Why Do Businesses Keep Choosing Salesforce CRM?

Nicholas Coursel-Stoll · 5 minute read

Chances are you already know somebody who owns or operates a business that uses Salesforce as part of its day-to-day workflow and business processes. Businesses big and small continue to go with them as their preferred CRM provider.

Chances are you already know somebody who owns or operates a business that uses Salesforce as part of its day-to-day workflow and business processes. Businesses big and small continue to go with them as their preferred CRM provider.

This continual backing of Salesforce has pushed the company to dominate the global market, and expand in ways unimaginable. But why is this, you might ask. What sets Salesforce apart in a world full of CRMs and allows such a wide range of companies to enjoy its powerful technologies? How can massive conglomerates like Coca-Cola use the same general software as the local business in your small town?

There a few main selling points of Salesforce that stands out among the rest and really speak to its diversity of implementation. They include, but are not limited to, the following:

A Proven Reputation and Track Record

Because Salesforce has achieved an incredible amount of success over the last decade, it’s created a reputation that precedes itself. No matter what the industry or specific product is, the companies that dominate the space tend to carry a name that people can count on.

American multinational tech conglomerate Cisco Systems, Inc. remains a dedicated, high-profile supporter of the Salesforce platform. Anupama Rao, a Senior Service Manager at the company, said the following about Salesforce CRM:

“For customer-facing technicians, every disruption is a problem,” Rao said. “Our Signature support team gives us a very tight handshake with Salesforce. It makes it possible to support our business and really makes our lives easier.”

World-renowned reputations don’t come easy. Neither do spotless ones, especially in industries as competitive and cutthroat as tech and software services. The only way to build a reputation such as the one Salesforce enjoys is through high-quality, battle tested products that have a proven track record of not only reaching consumer goals, but far exceeding them.

Reliable Data Security Protocols

Data security is often cited as one of the most important factors that business owners or managers think of when going with a new CRM provider, a statistic that remains true regardless of organization size.

If a company can’t keep you and your customers’ data safe, then you can’t do business with them in good faith. It’s one of the few complete deal-breakers in the business world. Luckily for you and countless other business owners out there, Salesforce has built its entire business model around keeping data secure and out of reach for malicious hackers.

Popular security company ADT Inc. (formerly known as The ADT corporation) relies heavily on the Salesforce CRM platform to serve their clients and protect them against electronic fraud, fire protection, and other related alarm monitoring services.

“Salesforce helps us close more leads and build more meaningful customer and employee connections,” said Julie Binder, Vice President of Corporate Communications at ADT.

Still, many people remain fearful of cloud-based services to this day. Several studies, however, argue that cloud-based storage is actually much safer than its alternatives.

And if that’s not enough to quell any fears you might have, just know that Salesforce employs an army of engineers and data security professionals that work round the clock to fend off any attacks before they happen, or you even know about them.

Endless User Customization and Pivoting Possibilities

One of the biggest assets that Salesforce brings to the table that really pushes them above some of the other CRM platforms out on the market is the incredible amount of customization that the platform allows. When it comes to setting up your business organization’s workflow and processes, Salesforce really makes you feel like anything is possible.

The Salesforce ecosystem consists of countless customers, developers, and partners in such a way that empowers collaboration and organization-wide connections through its resources such as the AppExchange (Salesforce’s application marketplace) and the Salesforce Success Community (a place for customers to connect with one another, ask questions, and provide feedback directly to the company).

Additionally, Salesforce allows your business to adapt and adjust with the ever-changing world around. The multitude of applications and services across the platform provide business owners with an abundance of choice when it comes to how they want to run their business and which direction to take it in.

Some major companies are already doing just that. Take Rosetta Stone, for example. Mark Moseley, interim CIO of the company, had an interesting perspective on Salesforce and how it’s currently being used to help push his them into their next phase of development and growth.

“We’re [moving towards] becoming a subscription business,” Mosely said, “and keeping customers engaged is more important than ever before, Salesforce is helping us become a customer company—allowing us to connect with customers and collaborate with employees in real time.”

As more and more businesses pivot, adapt, and change direction in the fast-moving digital age, Salesforce will continue to grow and prove itself as an invaluable in not only aiding and smoothing this transition out for businesses, but making it an unparalleled time to be an owner or administration.

Whatever idea you have for your organization or its respective processes, chances are pretty good that Salesforce can you help you get from Point A to B, from where you are now to where you want to be. Reaching out to a Salesforce development firm is often one of the best choices a business can make.

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