Marketing has always been an integral part of running a successful business, a non-negotiable. As time has progressed, this has taken many forms. Think billboards, radio ads, and television before the birth of the internet. But regardless of format, the sentiment has remained largely the same. Customers must know you exist before they can make a purchase.
In recent years, email has taken over and become the most effective marketing tool available to business organization regardless of industry. It allows marketers to create individualized campaigns that convert at a much higher rate than the generic, one-size-fits-all blasts that used to be commonplace.
As the world’s leading CRM platform, Salesforce has a robust Marketing Cloud full of tools that can be leveraged into getting your products and services to as many customers as possible. But widespread reach isn’t the only thing the Marketing Cloud provides.
Journey Builder
You can deliver each customer a personalized experience by tracking every step that they take through your business organization through the Journey Builder toolkit, found within the Marketing Cloud. This allows you to trigger various events based on the real-time choices (purchases, mobile app downloads, etc.) that your customers make throughout their journey.
By utilizing Journey Builder, you can put your ear to the ground, so to speak, and begin identifying key moments in your customers lifecycle. This data illustrates their habits and tendencies so that you can present them with your sales offer at the best possible time.
Another major benefit of this software is that you can continually adjust your customers’ path based on a combination of their previous and predicated future behaviors. This decision-making process can further be informed by connecting the various departments of your greater business organization. For example, you could have your sales, marketing, and commerce departments all working together on the same journey cycle to give your customers the best possible experience.
Email Studio
But collecting data and having the ability to trigger variable events is relatively useless if you don’t have relevant, targeted content being distributed on the other side. Thankfully, the world’s #1 email marketing platform is already tucked inside the Marketing Cloud.
Using the segmentation tools provided, you can break up your profile data into highly specific groups to be more direct and better drive engagement. One of the biggest implications of this feature is that it allows you to send similar emails to your entire list without having to sacrifice originality and become generic.
You can use Einstein to find and recommend great content that resonates with your previously segmented list. This will make your audience feel much more engaged and passionate about your brand. And wherever there’s an intersection of engagement and passion on the consumer-side, conversions tend to increase exponentially.
People love to buy, but they hate being sold to. Pivot your overall marketing campaign toward individualized email blasts that target long-term value added over the quick sell and both will rise organically.