How Salesforce Protects You (and Your Data) from Malicious Cyber Attacks

Nicholas Coursel-Stoll · 3 minute read

The largest password and data leak in human history occurred mere days ago. Sources suggest that nearly 3.2 billion passwords were leaked online in the attack meaning of dubbed RockYou2021 (a tip of the hat to the famous 2009 leak of a much smaller scale).

The largest password and data leak in human history occurred mere days ago. Sources suggest that nearly 3.2 billion passwords were leaked online in the attack meaning of dubbed RockYou2021 (a tip of the hat to the famous 2009 leak of a much smaller scale).

Naturally, this has caused widespread panic and global concern. For years, countless consumers spent little to no time thinking about how companies keep them and their priceless information safe. But that’s all starting to change. People are beginning to question and hold companies accountable for their data security practices.

Security Partnership

Luckily for its users, this is nothing new for Salesforce. The company has been dedicated to building safely and sustainably since its inception through it signature Security Partnership plan with demands that security is at the heart of all of the company’s tools and business ventures. It’s the foundation from which the multi-billion-dollar SaaS giant was built upon.

Salesforce security guide

In their comprehensive security guide, Salesforce outlines the built-in security features that come with the platform, in addition to providing users with the information needed to implement their own security schemes that are specifically built with their business organization’s individualized structure and needs.

It would be impossible to list all of their security features in a single article (there are simply far too many), but some of the most critical ones include:

  • Salesforce Security Basics

    • Shield Platform Encryption

    • Real-time event monitors

    • Individual-controlled data access protocols

Commitment to customer trust

The company provides a frequently updated downloadable PDF that outlines their customer trust commitment. It is an incredibly important read to any potential businesses that are considering moving forward with the Salesforce platform but are unsure about its practices in data security.

The 27-page document begins with a brief outline of their governing business values, articulating ideas such as their commitment to constant improvement and remaining their rightly earned position as one of the safest, most secure platforms on the market.

Then they get deep into specifics, demonstrating the intersection of security and innovation in regard to specific industries, developer tools, and business processes before ending by providing consumers with pieces of actionable advice on practices they can implement to mitigate their risk of a data breach.

Some of the documents major talking points include, but certainly aren’t limited to, the following:

  • Security education and awareness

    • Infrastructure logging and monitoring

    • Salesforce secure development lifecycle

    • Threat intelligence and incident response

Easy-to-use Multi-factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (also commonly referred to as two-factor authentication, or 2FA for shorts) has become increasingly popular of late. If you don’t already know, 2FA is simply needing some sort of verification other than your password to access an account or database.

A good “real-world” example of this is ATM machines and debit cards. Imagine your debit card as a physical manifestation of your password, and your pin number is the “something else” needed to complete the 2FA.

Salesforce uses this idea across its many business practices to keep its users safe and secure. And, having been dedicated to this for many years, has refined their methodology to the point of it being as easy as washing your hands.

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